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What causes bright, active fish to drop dead?


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Losses in my big tank yesterday were 1 cardinal, and the other cardinal that I put in my nano with the rummies that was showing the saddleback. From the 10 rummies (5 by the time I put them in the nano) there is one lonely one left swimming around the nano. His remaining 4 mates expired yesterday. This one had no signs this morning. Maybe I have 1 super-immune rummy. Or he'll be dead when I get home :roll:

Big tank had no fish with visible signs this morning, so hopefully its slowing down. Will see when I get home.

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Thanks Caper

Some of the fish developed that pale saddle-back lesion that I think is only seen with columnaris.

I theived this photo from iisfaq (thread further down the Disease forum page)


That top left one is a perfect example

Last Rummy died this morning, he didn't show any signs. Lost 2 cardinals yesterday in my main tank, but none today so far.

And my Dwarf Flags decided now would be a great time to spawn lol. Currently guarding eggs at one end of the tank :lol:

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Have you had any problems since then? Did you restock your neons?

Just thinking ahead to when I'll want to restock...

Where did the cardinals come from, i lost 10 a month or so ago to, did not cause problems with any other fish.

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Have you had any problems since then? Did you restock your neons?

Just thinking ahead to when I'll want to restock...

I had problems keeping neons, cardinals and other small tetras for a while, seems to be all good now, the only thing killing off the cardinals in that tank is the angels that are going soon :roll:

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