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Trying my hand at honey gouramis...


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So far the only fish that have bred in my tank are the guppies.... And boy do they breed....

I've got a single, what looks like, male honey gourami and am interested in trying to breed them. Has anyone done this and got any quick tips? First off I'm finding it really hard to find any females in the shops, does anyone out there know where I could get one or two?

Any help with this would be awesome. :-)


UPDATE : I'm finding some topics while searching the forum so will list the related ones here....

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/honey- ... t1383.html

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great fish! condition male and female seperately on a wide variety of live/frozen foods then put them together. my strategy was to float a round goldfish bowl inside a normal fishtank and i got 300 fry this way. then i could remove the parents to the outside, female first, father bit later (once they get to free swimming)


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I ended up getting what I think are a male and female dwarf red honey pair, a little on the small size but the male is a wonderful orange and red fire colour and the "female" is a much lighter silver/orange colour. Hopefully the guy at animates got it right.

Put them in the smaller of my tanks and noticed the guy building a little bubble nest this morning before I headed out to work only to find it disappeared by the time I got home. Wondering if it's the guppies being too energetic? Anyway, have removed all but the two gouramis and also reduced the tank to only 6 inches of water so will see what happens next.

Also had a bit of a read online and saw something about increasing the temperature a few degrees so will do that in the morning.

Also saw something about switching the filtration off once the babies are free swimming so will give that a crack if it ever gets to that stage. :-)

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hey tommy, make sure you have a tank lid of some sort too so the air above the water is warm for when the littlies have a breath. Some ppl put things in the tank for them to build the nest against or under, like the lid of a cup. They may just need a bit of tlc 1st too. good luck.

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How have you gone Tommy?

I'm only asking because i have 4 females and 2 stunning males (both in full breeding dress!), and would like to try breeding them once i have dividers for my 4ft breeding tank.

I have a small goldfish bowl and some riccia - do you think that would be ok/enough to make the male start building a nest? They're currently in my community tank and so haven't had a chance to get much action :lol:

keep us up to date with how it goes

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Every morning I wake up he's made a little bunch of bubbles but it never gets any bigger than that. I even went as far as to put a cup lid in like they do with bettas but no joy.....

Maybe he is too young? He's only half the size of my other honey gourami (dwarf?) in the community tank.

Anyone got any other ideas?

Will keep updating with the progress....





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Hi Tommy. I'm currently flicking through a book 'Aquarium Care of Bettas' by David E. Boruchowitz and some of the information may be pertainant to Gouramis.

Quote..."The males bubblenest is a vital and distinctive part of the spawning process but males vary greatly on the details........Some nests are loose and scattered, while others are dense, rising 2.5cm or more out of the water. Large nests may almost cover the surface of the tank, while small ones may be tucked away tightly in a corner. Some males will build virtually no nest at all and still be successful........Many breeders find that something floating will soon have a nest built under it...........University investigations have shown that males prefer something that is round, about the size of a Grapefruit, and yellow in colour.......these characteristics correspond with dead leaves"....End quote

HTH :)

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