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Water Changing.


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Would like some thoughts on a water change system I started to make. Its kind of a reverse sump idea for fresh water. In the attic I have a Dehumidifier that produces around 10 Ltrs of water per day. I want to feed that water into an 18" tank with filtration equipment, peat and a heater. It will have an overflow from that to the 150Ltr tank and of course an overflow from that tank to waste. Its approximately 8% water change daily. From that what have I forgotten? Why will it/wont it work?

Tank has Discus, Ram's, some Tetras and a few other fish that like soft water and will shortly be having a DIY CO2 unit fitted for plants.

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Surely what you get off the radiator can't be that bad. If you accept tap water (sans chlorine) then the metal content off the radiator is going to be far lower than that (albeit different metals). Similarly for rain-water off a galvanised roof. The surface area and length of time the water is in contact with the radiator doesn't amount to much by comparison.

I will add the caveat that my experience with dehumidifiers was some time ago, but they are a great source of a steady stream of water at volumes that should suit a fish tank just fine.

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