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white or green anemone???


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id like peoples opinions as to what type of anemone i should get

ok here are some of my pros and cons

white= first the cons

not very pc :lol:

looks as though it is bleached

not very interesting or is it

pros contrasts with the green already in the tank

contrasts with the clown

adds another color to the tank

now the green they do look really nice under the actinic lighting

they look healthy

cons i have geen in my tank

if i get a green hammer from steve then its more of the same color again.

and it wont have the contrast that the white has

comment suggestions welcome

(other than the obvious ie its my tank do what i want with it)

i just want some ideas as its the center peice of the tank

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oh well,

as youve said before untill the money is in the hand

as for what you can sell me red mushrooms (not yours as you dont got that many, but find me a nice rock with some on and i pay you a gopher fee)

(but i want that rotating head for my brothers tank)

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