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Outdoor coldwater bath pond help please


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When I had my goldfish in a bath they had no filtration, just plants. I didn't do water changes either, just topped it up as the water evaporated (which it did very quickly over summer). Fish lived and bred happily. I don't think you can put the minnows in with the paradise fish as they will be eaten?

The water went very very green though and you could hardly see the fish but they didn't mind and it gave plenty for the fry to feed off.

If you decide to add a filter, make sure the power is connected legally with the correct safety stuff added for outdoor use.

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I just put my minnows in theire summertime bath yesterday. Lots of fine leafed plants, java moss, lillys for shade. Im the same as caryl, just top up with the hose, syphon the muck into a bucket (to make sure i didnt get any fish) every now and then. Only i have a shade cloth over the bath to stop the leaves getting in and to deter our cat. I wouldnt put paradise fish in with them either.

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I would imagine the positioning of the bath would be quite important. You'd need to make sure it wasn't in full sun in the hottest part of the day. You could also plant something around the outside of the bath so the leaves would shade the tub and protect it from the direct sun in summer.

I wish I had a bath to play with. A bathtub pond sounds like fun. :bounce:

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2 be honest i was going to put it on my deck, that gets shade till 11ish then sun till night really.

was going to put some fresh water plants from out streem in it to,

havnt go anywhere elce to put it except behind the house where no1 really goes.....or in the garage but that gets no sun at all

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2 be honest i was going to put it on my deck, that gets shade till 11ish then sun till night really.

was going to put some fresh water plants from out streem in it to,

havnt go anywhere elce to put it except behind the house where no1 really goes.....or in the garage but that gets no sun at all

Can you put some other potted plants around the outside of the tub too? That will provide some shade (and look nice IMO). The plants in the tub will provide shade for the fish (and maybe give them a chance to hide from predators) but won't stop the water from heating up.

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