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ok here it goes

from what i've seen in the fish stores the percula clowns have been some what murky (not bright and clear) in colouration and not all that attractive. (not even going to start on the one they had at hollywood albany on saterday)

but from what i've read on the internet the purcula clowns are meant to be brighter in colouration and look like the one i have

so i am a bit confussed. what kind of clown do i have? Steve you should be able to help with that (i assume its an ocellaris cause thats what i askedfor and it looks/act how i expected it to)

and if i "order" an ocellaris from my lfs is it going to be like th3e one that i have?? (n.b the new clowns i want are for my brothers tank, i got him hooked when he came over to my place and saw my clown)

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