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Fish compatability?


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I am considering Selling my 6 Albino Angels ,a large(14) school of Black Widow tetras, and a volcano rasbora from my 3foot 180L tank to make it a community tank.

The other fish in there are:

Bolivian Rams -2-6

BN trio 8cm?

Common Pleco around 15cm (will be gone in next few weeks though :( , was our first fish, but we cant keep it in a tank this size for too long)

Hoplo- 8cm

The fish i want to add are:

My 8 Platty

My 15-20 Guppy

12 Neons

3kuhli, 2 chain loachs

It will be quite heavily planted with 4 3ft fluros and i will be putting heaps of wood in too.

What'ya think?

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