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Water Results


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Hi everyone,

I've just had the latest water tests on my fish I've posted about. I was wondering if someone could give me their opinion (I have yet to learn about nitrates or ammonia).

Mr Fish's Results:

PH 7.4

Nitrates 50-100 (on the peice of paper I was given at the pet store, they had the word "High" written underneath "100")

Ammonia 1

Patch's Results:

PH 7.6

Nitrates 0

Ammonia 0.5

If you could give me any ideas about what these mean, I would very much appreciate it. Patch is very sick at the moment and I'm not sure what's entirely wrong with him. If it's his water quality, I can at least help that.

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Hi everyone,

I've just had the latest water tests on my fish I've posted about. I was wondering if someone could give me their opinion (I have yet to learn about nitrates or ammonia).

Mr Fish's Results:

PH 7.4

Nitrates 50-100 (on the peice of paper I was given at the pet store, they had the word "High" written underneath "100")

Ammonia 1

Patch's Results:

PH 7.6

Nitrates 0

Ammonia 0.5

If you could give me any ideas about what these mean, I would very much appreciate it. Patch is very sick at the moment and I'm not sure what's entirely wrong with him. If it's his water quality, I can at least help that.

Don't look to bad, but i would do a water change to.

Basically fish poo gets broken down by bacteria to Nitrates 0

Ammonia then to Nitrite then nitrate. Ammonia (NH4) and Nitrite(NO2) are toxic at higher levels, nitrate(NO3) are not toxic until they get really really high but there is a debat over that.

Best thing you can ever do if you think something is wrong is a water change.

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