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Red alge


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Good morning,

We have set up our brand new 180l tank on Sunday two weeks ago. We've put the plants in on Monday and 10 neons on Wednesday. Saturday last week we bought 2 golden mollys and 2 platys (i'm not sure if one of the platys is healthy as he is always in a corner, doesn't move or eat much)

Since Sunday I've noticed some red/brown stuff on the leaves which comes of when I rub it. It is getting worse every day. What is it and what can I do? Do I need a pleco already? Do they clean the plants as well or do they eat them?

Thanks for your help,


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Getting some Otos (otoclinicus) will cure the algae problem. Three of them cleaned my tank out of red algae overnight. They don't grow very large either (unlike bristlenoses). The only down-side is that they aren't a very pretty fish.

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Hi Susi,

From my calculations (which are probably wrong :D ), that means your lights are on for 16 hours per day which is too much. Your lights should only be on for 10-12 hours per day, which is the length of a day in the tropics. Get a 24 hour timer from mitre 10/placemakers etc (about $9.00) so your lights will come on and go off at the same time each day - better for the fish and plants.



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