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Fish ID?


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Anyone know what these are:


Fishy one



Fishy two.

They're labelled as bolivian rams at work and the person who looks after our fish insists that's what they grow into... but I find it really difficult to believe and haven't been able to find any mature pictures of bolivian rams that even vaguely resemble this. WTH?

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I knew it!! *&(#@^&^@*

Oo, and I just Googled severum and they look just like Green Severum! Jesus. There is no way I'm going to be able to convince our ignorant-but-stubborn fishkeeper she's wrong, but it drives me nuts seeing Bolivian Ram up there as their species. Gah!

...seriously, she was trying to get me to put two male fighters together cause one might be a female. No no no, not possible, even with their shredded fins (they had been housed together then given to us) they were obviously both male.

AND she keeps buying black sharks, even though a majority of our customers think 60 litres is huuuuge *head-wall*

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lol I am a lady... and I'm inclined to go gently on her as being lazy and stubborn is a great improvement over evil and manipulative like another co-worker :D

EDIT: Yeah, she is pretty (I don't know what she is but in my head she's a girl due to the lack of bristles, haha)! Really nice colours and shape and she's out and about a lot too :)

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The first fish looks a bit unusual for a severum, may be the angle and it might be stressed or something though. Second is DEFINITELY a green severum.

The pleco, looks like a redspot which are frequently also called sailfins. But the fins don't normally have the much redder edging like that.

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Ahh, that's about what I was thinking. (Haha, when I Googled severums one of the links was to the monster fish keepers forum. Tells me something... :lol: )

Don't really have room in my house at the moment. I am planning on getting bigger tanks at this stage but given our living areas (and thus fishy tanks) are all upstairs I'm going to have to sort something that doesn't involve tempting fate. :P

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Red-head severum or Heros Sp. 'Rotkeil'. Not a hybrid or line-bred colour strain, just an as-yet unidentified member of the genus Heros.

Ditch your green sev Ira and buy it. Or someone send it up to me so I can hopefully find a mate for mine!!


They can look fantastic as adults, here's a really nice one from Jeff Rapps (mind you what isn't nice from him!)


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I work in Miramar: Petone is much better for ze fishies though. Sarah (fish person in Petone) is pretty damn good, and apparently the tanks are nice but I've never got over there when they're open but I'm not working. Over here in Miramar we stick to tetras, guppies, swordtails, bristlenoses stuff like that. We can order in all sorts of cool stuff though :D

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