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Building hiding places high up in the aquarium


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Does anyone have any suggestions for making hiding places for the upper half of the aquarium. I have plenty down low, but here is my problem:

I have a single community tank which I have been slowly introducing fish to. I recently introduced a honey gourami and it is not getting along well with the kribensis. Basically the kriibensis will chase the gourami and nip its fins whenever it sees it. The kribensis cruises around most of the lower half of the aquarium (without arguing with the other fish) and so this confines the gourami to hiding in the upper half. Unfortunately there aren't many hiding opportunities in the top of the tank right now since the plants haven't grown up that high. So the gourami is usually hiding behind the plumbing. I'd like to provide it with more opportunities to escape.

Failing that, is anyone in the Dunedin area on the lookout for a small, slightly nipped, honey gourami ? Still eating well. Would consider a swap for plants or that overly boisterous community fish that is causing your other fish problems.

I think I'm going to have to give up trying to introduce "peaceful" fish to this tank.

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That looks like an interesting idea. You could also use a half coconut or similar and hook it over the top edge of the tank with wire.

Make shelves using plastic siliconed to the sides (you would need to drop the water level while you did it and it cured of course) and silicone gravel or sand to them.

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I like that idea Shar, now all I have to do is find some time ...

The stop gap solution until the weekend is to rearrange some of the plants so that the areas around its favourite hiding place are shielded from view from below.

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