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Fancy plecs


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I used to have Flash Plecos and Iquito Tigers 8) Had to cut back for a while space wise, at some stage we will be getting more fancies down the track.

I have my nice Cochliodon boy... (pictured). And a King Tiger (will manage to get a nice pic of the King Tiger at some stage)


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Please let me know what are available or if anyone is messing you around when it come to buying as i am interested in, most likely, all of the plecs as they are such good quality.

(re jamos TandEX)

dont know what this thread is about really jamos is it you or natscat that is selling these if you want them so much why dont YOU offer him a "good deal " i offered him a price ,if he wants to accept then he knows where my inbox is ..i sure hope yr as eager to jump in like this when myL270 are for sale or my L333 or even fireenzenz L136

or is it just that yr passionate about certain L numbers and not others

or maybe commission :o

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There are some Quality fancy plecos being sold in the private trader atm....

Are people still into the fancy plecs like they used too????

bay trader/loot? used to look in there all the time once there was even discus... there's the odd treat in there

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