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I have been told that my plants would grow a lot better if i had one of those CO2 diffusers. How do they work and are the ones out there all the same. I saw one at animates other than that i have no idea what i am looking for .....


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There are several ways of getting CO2 into your water. The cheap (but not very long-lasting) way is to make yourself a DIY CO2 unit. There are lots of recipes about but basically you use yeast, sugar & water to make the CO2, deliver it to your tank with a bit of air line, then let the bubble of CO2 diffuse into the water so the plants can use it.

The more expensive way (for serious aquatic gardeners) is to use a tank of CO2 gas, and set it to release a tiny but steady amount of CO2 into the water continuously.

Personally, I would make sure your light and ferts are top-notch before even starting on the CO2, unless you're keen on a bit of a play with the DIY one. Most of us have had a DIY one going at some time in the life of our planted tanks. It can be fun but the novelty can also wear off pretty quickly. :wink:

Hope that helps.

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