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4 foot suggestions


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I have, living in my 4 foot tank (264lt), 2 gold Severum, 8 juvenile Keyholes, 12 tiger Barbs, 1 Bolivian Ram(was 2 till recently) and 1 large Angel left over from a previous tank manifestation. I'm not planning on keeping all the Keyholes, am sort of waiting till they're old enough to keep a good pair and have homes for the rest sorted. Clearly the tank has evolved into a SA tank of sorts so what next? And plants, what sort of plants should I be looking for? Cheers.

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Im pretty sure the severums will rip your plants and eat them , I had some long grass in with my severums and they ripped it up and then it was floating and now its gone so guess they ate it lol

Im not sure what kind of plants could stand being ripped up. Java fern is hardy as to weather the severums will eat it is a different story :D

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Yep, I've noticed the larger of the 2 sevs pulling up the plants already, the polysperma has mad a bit of a hiding. Ok, so plants are out, what are the alternatives? And yes, I know the Barbs are not South American but they're great fun and a big splash of activity in the tank so I' think I'll keep them :roll:. Anyway, I've got no cleaner crew so what would the suggestions be there?

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festivum, heckelii, balzani, surinamensis, juripari, steindachneri are all possibles. Forget plants if you want it to be a true SA tank. White sand, some smooth round rocks and tangled driftwood. Add a school of tetras (larger ones if you're keeping the sevs), some pictus or chocolate talking cats and a few nice plecos and you're set.


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