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Oscars-What does everyone feed?


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Hi there,

I have too young albino oscars, I'm semi new to oscars, we had some when I was a kid. I'm currently feeding:

Flake & floating pellets,cichlid pellets,algae/spirulina tablets,a frozen mix of peas/shrimp.

They are always hungry (I know that's an oscar thing) but just wondering what other foods I can give ie vegetables and meat?

Any advice/ideas would be great, have done an internet search but advice is so mixed.

Cheers :)

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Anything they'll eat.

I think Spinach is a good one.

We used to make a home made mix up, shrimp, spinach, bulk buy african cichlid pellets, and lots of beefheart.

They love high protein stuff like bloodworms, but if they get on a meat diet (e.g. they stop eating healthy stuff), it can lead to hole in the head disease later on.

Ones I used to live with loved earthworms and neon tetras on special occasions.

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I use a large hard pellet for mine, otherwise he just mashes em up and most of it came out his gills, It also fills his mouth up better so the other fish get a shot while he's chewing :roll: guts. sometimes i give him a whole big shrimp just to keep him busy while the others eat...although he's grown so may have to move to prawns.

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:lol: Typical Oscars, stomach comes first... I love the way they cram the food in, and sit there with their eyes googling around to make sure nobody is going to try and steal their stash they have crammed in their mouth :lol:

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