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New Members to join club

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Just wanting to know what happens when new members join the club after the due date for the year eg 4 July, as we have new members who couldn't make it to our meeting but want to join and be part of the FNZAS, which we will probably do at the next meeting at the end of July. So if these people join our club why can't they become members of the FNZAS as well.

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The due date is for capitations to be sent to the FNZAS Treasurer, the people capitated by this time will be included in the Federation Yearbook, which is distributed shortly after this.

You can still capitate members after this time by submitting their details and capitation fees to the Federation treasurer.

They will still be members of the FNZAS, they will be able to enter the Breeding Scheme competitions and will receive a FNZAS membership card.

They cannot be included in the Yearbook for this year, as it will have been already published and is not updated until the next year.

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Thank you Zev, you took the words out of my mouth!

ALL CLUB SECRETARIES please note this reminder that your club capitations and YB levy are suuposed to be to the FNZAS treasurer BEFORE JULY 10th. Also note the treasurer has moved since the last YB was printed so don't send them to the address listed there!

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