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feeding bbs


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Hi guys,

I was just wondering if the shells that the brine shrimp hatch out of harm my fish so much that they get sick and even die? I've recently got a brine shrimp hatchery and have been feeding the brine shrimp but I think I'm getting a few shells (are they called cysts I can't remember) and some of my baby fighters look a bit sickly (they've gone white) is this because of the bbs or is it just them dieing off. Also last night I feed my main tank and one of my platys died. Is it because I fed it too much (I did feed alot because I had a bit left over).

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Feed it in moderation, its fantastic fry food because it is high in protein. Haven't raised fighters in the past but my first thoughts are to vary the diet a wee bit, and make sure that you're feeding enough to keep them fed, but not too much that any are dying and going off in the tank. I'd think that much protein could leave fish constipated as well?

Just some thoughts anyway, like I said I haven't raised fighters myself.

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Yip I am. I'm siphoning them through a hanky (thats what caserole told me to do) and the rinsing them in a jug of fresh water between the tanks. I know why my platy died it was because my amonia was up so I done a big water change and put this filter media stuff I had thats ment to bring the amonia down and so far it's brought it down but hasn't got rid of it. I also lost a guppy which was really sad as it was a really nice looking one.

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oh that sux! with ur fry dying it could be because u rnt doing frequent enough water changes...I do a 20% water change on my fry tank twice daily and so far the death rate has been very minimal I do this before I feed the bbs so then the dead ones get sucked up into the siphon...also the guy selling bs eggs says that no the bs shells are not bad the filter should get rid of this and it wont pollute the tank.

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Hi all

Fighter fry need at least a 25% water change each day (in my experience) and I have raised so many that if any fishkeeper arrived at my home it was compulsory to take a couple home. :wink:

If you are using imported shrimp cysts they may be too big for newly free swimming fry and as in my earlier posts on "Anabantidae" you should be feeding green water for the first week, then onto newly hatched BS nauplii.

Start sorting sizes as they grow also to give them enough space.

Done correctly (my way works) you will end up with an 85% success rate at least.


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