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Discus - Large - Looks like a worm has come from inside out!


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It looks like one of my Large Discus has a worm (white)

It started at the top of the fish about top dead center - looked like a pimple forming - got bigger over the last couple of days and now it has a hole, and a white thing - can't notice it moving but assume it is a worm of some type.

Does anyone know what I can do?

I will try to get a photo if I can.....

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Try to get a photo up if you can,but the only thing without seeing it i would net fish out and wrap in wet towel and see if you can extract the "worm" then dab the site with iodine on a cotton tip be very carefull not to get iodine in eyes or gills.

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Try to get a photo up if you can,but the only thing without seeing it i would net fish out and wrap in wet towel and see if you can extract the "worm" then dab the site with iodine on a cotton tip be very carefull not to get iodine in eyes or gills.

No iodine here, and he is big - 7 inches high. I am not sure if I can do this without killing him.

here is a photo - not good - but shows a bit of the problem.


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I had something similar although i never saw a worm appear, but had a discus form a whitish lump near just abovee the ventral fin, the fish became very dark and the wound became became larger and larger eventually turning in to an open wound. Finally the hole went all the way through to the other side of the fish. I isolated and treated with metro with daily water changed for around 2 months and the wound healed over if you want i can send you a link to the pics of mine.

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I had something similar although i never saw a worm appear, but had a discus form a whitish lump near just abovee the ventral fin, the fish became very dark and the wound became became larger and larger eventually turning in to an open wound. Finally the hole went all the way through to the other side of the fish. I isolated and treated with metro with daily water changed for around 2 months and the wound healed over if you want i can send you a link to the pics of mine.


What is metro?

Yes if you want to send offline send to [email protected]



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Here you go, it shows the progression from small white dots, to a large lump at the base of the fish, to the hole. Metro is short for metronidazole and is a treatment for internal parasites it can be used by mixing with food or by disolving in to the tank water . Have you noticed any other symptoms, going off food/spitting food, dark colour, isolating itself from the other fish?





The good thing was he has fully recovered and the wound healed over completely, has a little scar but otherwise is completely fine

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Here you go, it shows the progression from small white dots, to a large lump at the base of the fish, to the hole. Metro is short for metronidazole and is a treatment for internal parasites it can be used by mixing with food or by disolving in to the tank water . Have you noticed any other symptoms, going off food/spitting food, dark colour, isolating itself from the other fish?

Thanks for the advise.

I have taken the discus out of the main tank and setup a smaller tank 24 * 12 * 18.

I have filled it about just over 3/4 with water.

I have moved all 6 discus into the new tank.

I have got some 400 MG Trichozole


I also found a good article here


The problem is getting worse on the big discus so I hope I am not too late. The fish was eating which is a good sign, but did start to receed to the dark and hide there.

I am unsure of what the drug willl do to my filters.

At this time I have not put a filter on the tank, but I think I will have to do this. The main tank had two external canister filters so I can move one of them.

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sounds good the metro will not harm your bio filter and is ineffective after 8 hours ,a good way to mix is clean container with lid and small ammount of fairly warm water and shake till your arm drops off,good luck

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sounds good the metro will not harm your bio filter and is ineffective after 8 hours ,a good way to mix is clean container with lid and small ammount of fairly warm water and shake till your arm drops off,good luck

I will keep you posted...

I have noticed in the small ( no light ) that the Discus are sort of agro at the moment.

Keeping an eye on this..

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