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Not entirely sure what your question is but

1)Place a mixture of cooked rolled oats or baby food into a container

2)wait for it to cool then add yeast

3)add culture of microworms

4)wait for the worms to reproduce until they are climbing up the side of your container

5)scrape off and feed to your fish

To increase the rate of reproduction put the container on top of the fish tank or light - The warmer temperature will encourage te reproduction but your culture will need to be replaced sooner.

For a continuous supply once one culture is ready to be used start a second one.

If you don't have any microworms to start your culture with then post a request in the T&E section - someone may be willing to give you some for free.

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When the mixture is moving thats the worms. You wet the bread add the yeast then put the mixture I gave you on. in a few days you should've seen the culture moving/shimering and thats the worms moving.

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please help is making microworms like fermentation with the yeast and when starts moving is that bacteria microworms :-?

If you are meaning is the above how microworms begin I think the answer is no.

You will need a small amount of microworm culture from someone - can anyone help out. I'm not feeding microworms so don't have any to send.

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