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tank size for growing firemouths?


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first time at breeding and i am wondering what size tank i would need to grow 40ish young firemouths up to about 5+ cm.

have heard 1litre per cm which equals 200 litres is this right or can i get away with something a bit smaller if i do more frequent water changes.

they are currently in a tank 75-30-35 cm and were born in march, they are about 1-3cm, is this a normal sort of growth rate for these fish?

any help is appreciated



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Id say you'd get away with a 3ft or 4ft tank..

Your 75cm tank should be ok for the time being but once they start getting bigger would be overcrowded.. If you have them in a smaller tank you can do water changes more often to reduce waste build up and have descent filtration..

As for a usual growth rate that depends on so much it is impossible to say what is normal and what is not, if you want them to grow fast the best you can do is do heaps of water changes and feed them heaps of descent food..

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1L per cm is a bit off. You can't measure capacity by one dimension alone.

Do length in cm x height in cm x width in cm then divide by 1000. Thats the literage. 1 litre = 1 cubic metre.

A 200L tank would be ideal for growing out Firemouths. They do grow slowly however lots of food (especially high protein stuff, I like using Plankton), space and not letting the water get nasty will encourage much better growth. It doesn't just accelerate growth but allows for a total larger fish when it's an adult.

I've based my opinion on witnessing baby fish I've raised in what most would call a suitable size tank, versus those that got lucky in one of my 4 foot tanks. Not Firemouths, but Convicts, Angelfish, and to a lesser degree platy and bristlenose (although not by a big margin with the last two).

Think they take around 2 years to reach full adulthood?? I've had 2 year old Firemouths that did not look like they'd grow anymore! I know that much.

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