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Or could she possibly have infected ovaries... or something? After I added the short-finned male to my female betta tank all my adult girls got gravid. Long story short I took him out, it seemed like 2 of the 3 gravid girls were reabsorbing their eggs, I tried sticking the really gravid one in with the boy but he bet the crap out of her and didn't even build a bubble nest. She ended up getting terrible terrible fungal infections all over her and dying after one night of tonic treatment :(


(This is her the day before she seemed to literally burst with eggs on the bottom of the bag and fungi covering a gash on her side, her tail, her fins... :o)

Now one of my other girls looks pretty screwed, but what's weird is that she has bumps that resemble bloat only very localised, almost pointy bumps low on her abdomen. Every other case of bloat I've seen has been much more generalised and ventral. Any ideas?


Oh, and she seems to have difficulty swimming, just sitting on the bottom with her mouth open and periodically doing a big gasp. Help :cry:

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First picture I'd say egg bound - if she is too fat she won't be able to release the eggs when the male wraps around her or the male is not big enough to squeeze her.

Second picture I'm not sure but the female is a different shape to the first.

If its dropsy when you look down on her you will see the pine cone effect on her i.e. the scales sticking out.

If females are full of eggs they will eventually just release them into the tank where they will be eaten.

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Well I guess it is dropsy but it just looks weird because it is a very tiny bulge in diameter (it's the paler-looking spot and it's pale because the scales are sticking up) but quite tall in as far as it extends from her body.

There's not much you can do for dropsy other than add some tonic salt is there? She's been like this for a while and the salt isn't really helping... how much should I add to a 180L tank? Maybe I'm not adding enough

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I'm guessing she died... I haven't seen her for 3 days, and we have one cave you can't pull out or get into properly but I had a poke around and no show. :( I'm pretty sure our pleco munches any dead fishies.

I guess it was bloat though I'll never know. The rest all seem healthy so it obviously wasn't bacterial/fungal

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