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My guppies


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The white ones are my new strain that I'm working on. I had a snow guppy appear one generation back and I crossed her with one of the blue tailed blondes. The fry have a black tail fin and are just starting to show blue highlights on the tail/body. They have normal eyes with a gold ring.

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The grey male with blue body and tail is the grandfather of a lot of the blue tail blondes. He's got a red spot in his tail.

The blond male with the red tail is the last of a potential strain I was thinking about but I decided to go for the bue tail as I haven't seen anything in the shops like it.

They haven't been line bred as I wanted to use the survival of the fittest strategy.

However I'm thinking of giving up on guppies as they create a lot of work.

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Looks like you have the right fish to continue with. Blues and reds cross together very well, and faily easy to separate the colours over a few generations, and would make a very good sister strain to outcross to if separated by a few generations. Would be a shame for you to give them up.

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