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Ira contact Barney pies friend in WGTN hes about to place an order with Anthony Preston Ltd you can get 2L of DI resin for about $45 delivered put it in an old syphon tube or similar (clear tube) block off both ends then attatch small water fittings . Pass yr tank water thru slowly & it will take out the crap (so to speak) NO WASTAGE its only RO that wastes.

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I am surprised Alois isn't using a sediment filter prior to the DI resin. The DI is a chemical filter, not a sediment filter. The DI resin will not filter DOC.

Cheap option use a 1micron prefilter, .5micron carbon filter then the DI resin.

WATER is the most important component of your tank. If your not prepared to provide the best possilbe water for your environment then you may as well resign to failure now. all the life in your tank lives in it, why would anyone skimp?


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completely agree pies, hence why i invested another $250 in getting a pre-filter and RO membrane added to my carbon/DI unit. now have prefilter, carbon, RO then DI and water is heaps better.

to be perfectly honest ira, if you're earning $400 a week you either 1. need a new job or 2. need to budget for RODI in the future. as pies says, DONT SKIMP ON RODI. its a crucial piece of equipment and will alter water chemistry dramatically over time if you dont have good top up water.

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I wasn't talking about RO for Ira specifically Steve, talking about RODI in general. Ira does not have DI and the point everyone made was that he should.

reef - is it really as much as 80% - sounds a bit high. does waste a bit but i didn't think it was that much. direct your RO waste water into a drum for your washing :)

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Mine makes 1L of water and spills 7.5ish. So it does waste a lot.

Tank water needs to be filtered as much as any other water. Sure it won't contain chlorines and chlorides and florides. It will contain bacterria, sediment, potentially more pesticides etc too.

RO is out, wastes too much. Sediment filter, carbon and DI should be used. DI is cheap, as you can DIY (sorry Alois) the DI container, use anything really, old drain pipe or whatever. So the cost is just the media.

Prefilters are about $12ea, but the rub is that the housing is about $80.00. But once you spend the $80 its cheap as from there.

If it was me I would be a 1micron sediment filter and housing (less than $90), then DIY the DI media through a piece of scrap pipe/ice cream container or whatever. MINIMUM. More is better.


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Come on Reefs make us all feel poor and tell us how much you spend on your Reef, Retail Costs please. ( might have already but I could do with another hit)

It will make me feel better than if I start thinking about what I spend on mine and I hate playing retail price for anything.

On the DI / RO. I used DI and have for over 10yrs. I pass wter through a quality carbon then DI. have seen a good DIY set up using a .5 micron carbon water filter then DI.

But I believe RO/DI is better and will work out cheaper in the long run than replacing Resin. Usual story high initial out lay with reduced running costs.

You can always use the waste water from R/O run it straight into a bath, take a cold bath. save on electricity too:D :D

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from what i have been told and read, RO strips out about 95% of crap where as DI does about 99%. with RO (ok, so pre-filters help too) your DI resin lasts longer. all about cost, a membrane is a high-initial cost outlay but saves in the long run on DI resin. pre-filters/carbon-filters are reasonably cheap too.

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Ro strips the water of sediment down at a molecular level. This is why you use 'pre filters', to entent the life of the membrane.

DI removes any trace of ionic metals and free radicals. RO may not get all of these (whatever they are).

DI doesn't removes sediment, bacterria it changes the chemical composition of the water it self.

This is why people use DI, consistant water proerties, but its not a filter, its for stripping filtered water. If you need a cheap setup use 1micron PRE FILTER and DI resin. Add the RO later. The pre filters are uses to entend the life of the RO unit, which is used to filter the water at a molecular level and extend the life of the DI resin. A carbon pre filter will strip the water of taste and any chemical compount more efficiently than the RO this saving it.

RODI is important for many of us, as Alois so eleoquantly puts it 'being professional'. I think its becomes 10x more important if you using pre-mix salt.


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