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Phosphates come from the media used, nothing to do with the reactor. If the media has phispahtes present, the reactor will leech them out.

If the media is to course, it takes longer/more c02 to dissovle the chips.

Personally I didn't know what was best, went for 'medium grade'.

Good luck JackJackJack lets see some photos, I am sure it will work just fine. Ultimatly a CA reactor is a pretty simple piece of equipment (like protien skimmers), and I don't see any reason why a DIY/CUSTOM model will work any better or worse than a store brought model.


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having course media means it will disolve quicker as you get better water movment in the reactor. If the media of a calcium reactor is too fine it could block the reactor as the co2 will build up.

It is good to get large water flows in calcium reactors.

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