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pump question


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Was just laying last night and couldnt fall asleep coz of pump noises... was wondering do i HAVE TO have a pump in a 200 liter malawi tank? ive got 2 filters going , together they do 2100l\h ... Weekly water change .. do i really need a pump or fish can do withought it? sumtimes i turn it off just for a night but too scared to leave it off for longer.. would be good if i didnt have to have it.. any thoughts?

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It sounds like your talking about an airpump with airstone attached? If you need it or not depends on your stocking levels and tank size.. If you can turn it off and the fish don't start breathing heavily or gasping at the surface then its not needed.

If you aim your external filter spraybars so they're disturbing the surface or stick them above the water level so they create surface movement it will achieve the same thing but it pays not to rely on this just in case the spraybar falls in and all your fish suffer..

Airstones just increase the surface area and aid in the oxygen exchange the bubbles do nothing except move the water, so if your overstocked you can create heaps of surface movement and the fish will be ok? If that makes any sense.

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yea im talking about an air pump, whenever i turn the pump off they dont care at all.. ive got a built in filter that it set that water drips down from the top so it actually disturbs the surface.. tank is 200L and ive got 6 fish. 2 small ones and 2 medium and 2 big.. yea ive got a bubble wall ... i used to like it but now want a change and its too noisy..

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Is it the pump that's too noisy or the bubbles? You can turn down the air flow to lessen the bubbles if they are causing the noise.

Also try stting the pump on a mat or foam pad, or hang it from a hook so it isn't touching anything.

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i have a 200L malawi tank & dont have an air pump at all. I have adjusted the spraybar so it adgetates the surface & oxygenates the water. I have never liked air stones, to me they look so fake & not like in the wild so have never used them. just my personal opinion. :)

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