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Whats compatible with my Elec Yellows?, Lake Malawi info pls


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I'm new to Cichlids, and i'm thinking of setting up a Lake Malawi Tank.

1st) i'm not sure which of the Cichlid species are from Lake Malawi,

2nd) Which species are friendly with my Elec Yellow's (thats what i was told they are when I bought a bargain tank last week)

3rd) What would a good lake Malawi tank look like, by good i mean similar in rock types, plant types, gravel (white sand??)

4th) Who has some of these compatible fish available in the lower north island?

The tank I'm setting up is a Aqua One AR850, of approx 165L, but hooked up to a Fluval 205 Canister filter (see my other posts for plumbing info)

All help appreciated, I've been keeping fish for approx 1 year, and now suffer from MTS, as of today I've got 5 Tanks active with 2 more in storage. I'll post pics of my non breeding tanks next week!

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Alot of fish will get on with yellows the main consideration for you will be fish that will get on with yellows and not outgrow and dominate a 165L tank which is small for african's..

I would recommend Demasoni and one strain of peacock. The demasoni stay small and only scrap amongst themselves and if you keep only one strain of peacock then all the males wont scrap IMO you don't have a big enough tank to try and do all males or more aggressive melo's or zebra's.. Its OTY though when giving out advice I tend to be cautious others may work but if they're not likely to I wont recommend it.

If your the same dwalk from Levin that brought bristlenoses off me then you've seen all my africans :)

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That's me Ryan, the dwalk from levin that bought 10?? BN's off you, i've now decided to try A Lake malawi set up. Currently I have 7 elec yellow's and i prob need to reduce this. I also have some barbs in there, but they can be relocated to another tank easily. Do you have Demasoni's avail for sale? or Peacock's?

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You were saying you wanted to give them a go when you were out here :)

I will have dem's soon have just done a tank shuffle around however if your yellows are big they will eat them, might have some peacocks avaliable soon too.. If your out this way and want to have a look then let me know things are slowly getting setup and fish are slowly starting to breed here.

I would add a little something to keep the ph up just because they will be happier that way but you dont absolutly need too.

Are you not sure if your fish are actually yellow's? Are they descent colours and true with all the info you've seen on the net?

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I wouldn't doubt that the yellows around here are crap esp the ones at wetpets most of them come from their display tank.. I breed some that are good but haven't seen any good ones in the shops :(

4M 3F is good for yellows they don't really mind too much they are generally pretty laid back you maybe able to keep the 7 of them if they all get along, and I wouldn't sex them by fin colour alone either vent them or wait for them to hold as I have seen females with more black on the their fins than males holding!

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