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Re-Stocking suggestions...


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Hey everyone :D

I have a problem - I now have an active case of MTS, but need guidance and suggestions on what fish i should keep.

I have 2 tanks which I need to look at:

#1: 60 litre: currently housing Sparkling Gourami's, 2 rocket pencil fish, pygymy cory's and guppies. The guppies are only there as they munched their way through a fair few tails in my 4 foot tank!

#2: 4 foot Jebo R331: currently housing 1 GIANT algae eater I inherited, along with his friend the GIANT golden barb. Also 6 veil tailed red serpae tetras, peppered cories, badis, 1 lonely bumblebee goby, 1 killi, 1 female fighter, and 6 assorted danios.

I'd like suggestions on what sort of fish I should look to for a long term placement. Bear in mind, I DO NOT LIKE BIG FISH! That's why I went with guppies etc coz they're small. I'm not fond of cichlids or Discus (it's a weird thing i have about big fish and cichlids :oops: ), but am open to suggestions.

I am going to wait until my GIANT fishies pass on to the procelain highway which may be a while, and the fish I am infatuated with are the Sparkling Gouramis, Badis, the goby, and the veil serpaes.

I like different fish, and would love an ideas anyone had about what I could work towards in the furture.


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I just got a trio of bumblebee goby's today, so I can see why you like them. My suggestion... GET MORE!! :D

Hehe, on a more serious note: Have you ever considered killifish?

They're small, colourful and have some of the most interesting personalities I've seen in my fish. I'm hooked!

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I did consider Killi Fish at one stage but then ended up wiyth a feeling that it would be a lot of effort to get the balance right - maybe I jumped to a conclusion there! :oops:

I love my bumblebee gobies too! :D :bounce: I really want more, and yes, I know they're brackish, but the ones I have purchased have been born and raised as freshwater, and they do just fine. I would like to get more and split them between my fresh and brackish tanks and note the difference in their behavior though...

Billaney, I know you have like a cazillion tanks (been to your place before!) and I have you in mind for more CPD's when your current stock have grown on a little, so maybe I will have to have a poke around at your place some time and see what inspires me!

Rainbow fish don't like my tank much - I tried threadfins and they all died, and I bought some neat looking fish that were unknown to the pet shop at the time - they thought it may have been a tetra, but it turns out it was a really neat rainbowfish. Unfortunately I found out a little too late and they carked it too!

My kids have been on at me about getting something blue in my tank, so maybe a large shoal of either neon or cardinals might be nice. I've also seen some gorgeous long finned mountain minnows in books, so might keep an eye out for some of them.

Any more ideas would be greatly appreciated!

What would make a good companion for the Sparkling Gouramis I have? I don't think I can fit any bigger gouramis in that tank as it's only a 60 litre. :-?

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Hey everyone, an update on my fish situation....

Thanx Cam for the offer, I will keep you in mind.

I went out at the weekend and purchased more fish :bounce: - just about broke the bank!!! :P

Dixon, you'll be pleased to know I managed to get more bumblebee gobies - they had 7 in the shop so I took all they had - 4 have gone in to my freshwater tank, and the other 3 went in to my brackish tank. I'm going to monitor both groups and see what the differences are in terms of growth, habit etc. I also bought 2 grey mollies for that tank, and another 6 Indian Glass fish, so it's well stocked and looks great now!

I also bought 3 Similis (?) corys, and they're adorable! :D I think I may leave the 4 foot as it is for now, apart from a few more female fighters IF I can find them - everyone seems to have short finned males right now!!!! :evil:

My Sparkling Gouramis; once I move the guppies out from their tank, will a male fighter be ok with them and not nip at them? I was considering trying to get them to breed if I could, but we'll see :-? I'd also love to have a really stunning male fighter, saw a nice white one a few weeks ago, and a gorgeous red at the weekend, but I'm not sure....

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