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fixing small crack in tank


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Picked up a tank and have noticed that one corner has a small horizontal fracture in the base of one of the side panels.

It's one of the Aqua-one tanks (approx 70 litres) and I'm wondering how i might strengthen it as the glass is only 4-5mm thick.

my plan was to get a small square section of glass (about 5cm by 5cm and maybe 1cm thick) and silicon it flat in the corner so that it would support the entire corner and fuller cover the fracture.

ideas/advice etc would be much appreciated

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Hard to say without pictures but the best solution would be to replace the entire panel. If you go with your idea just be sure and silicone it from the inside as a leak will not be stopped if water finds a way through the crack.

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chur Blue!

its any odd kind of crack as it doesn't fully penetrate the panel but you can see the light refracting off it within the panel (hmm if that makes sense!).

not worried about the appearance of the tank itself but just don't want to end up having to pull it down to sort out a leak!

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the trade name for that is a "run".

Its called a run as without too much encouragement, it will run all the way to the end.

At any stage, it can break. When you think about it a crack need a start and a finish so without any doupt, replace the panel

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I learnt the hard way. Do not take short cuts with tank repair. I HAD a second hand 1220x650x700h 500lt tank with a chip on the bottom edge and a small crack(about 120mm long) I was given a large piece of 10mm glass to cover over crack, Siliconed down , wait 2 weeks filled , waited a couple of days ... no leaks sweet! Set up with rocks ,coral, etc ,, added fish over the next few weeks , breeding going on every ting fine.... then....drip,drip, drip, bugger!!! Long story short many lost fish ,ruined stand , and a new run from the chip out and along the middle of the bottom all the way to the end . Should have replaced the entire bottom..eh, The first crack was no bigger though! New tank looks nice.

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