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Overly aggressive male?


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Hi, I have a crowntail male who has blown a bubble nest and when i release the female in with him he seems keen initially and so does she but then she takes fright and all he wants to do is attack her. They are both of breeding age (about six months) and the female has the white egg tube showing and vertical banding. Is it possible they are just not compatible?

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thats quite normal behaviour. put some plant or something else in the tank that she can run and hide behind. eventually when she's ready she'll come out. if she's being badly knocked around remove her, leave her where she can see him and vice versa and try again in another 8 or so hours.

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females can take alot of damage to their fins (well atleast mine can) it's when her scales and body gets attacked you need to worry. If it's only her fins I'd put her back in as her fins hould mend pretty quickly.

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hi was wondering what size tank can you have a true pair of fighters in comfortably thanks i have a 60cm long tank that has baby axolotls in it but when they go would like to have a pair of fighters in there sorry was meant to create a thread of my own got confused

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