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Blind Cave Tetra + pic


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Hi all. I recently got myself a trio of these, Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus, and thought I'd share a pic. They are really hard to photograph because they never stay still and I mean never :lol: so please excuse the less than perfect image. And the less than perfectly clean glass :oops:

I did the research before I got them and by all accounts they're an easy fish to keep and interesting to breed. Apparently the fry are born with eyes but they disappear as the fish grow. There is no pigmentation at all.

Some would say it's ugly...others, like myself, say theres no such thing as ugly :lol:


Heres a link.... http://freshaquarium.about.com/cs/chara ... vefish.htm

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Because the young are born with eyes does that mean they have sight?

Good question. If they breed I'll be interested to find out.

A quote from the above link..... "Recently, studies have been conducted to see if eye development could be stimulated. Surprisingly, when lenses from sighted fish were transplanted to the Blind Cave fish, it began to develop an eye. It is hoped that further study of this phenomenon may prove useful in treating blindness in humans."

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Hi all. I recently got myself a trio of these, Astyanax fasciatus mexicanus, and thought I'd share a pic. They are really hard to photograph because they never stay still and I mean never :lol: so please excuse the less than perfect image. And the less than perfectly clean glass :oops:

I did the research before I got them and by all accounts they're an easy fish to keep and interesting to breed. Apparently the fry are born with eyes but they disappear as the fish grow. There is no pigmentation at all.

Some would say it's ugly...others, like myself, say theres no such thing as ugly :lol:


Heres a link.... http://freshaquarium.about.com/cs/chara ... vefish.htm

others, like myself, say theres no such thing as ugly


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Wow, the only decent pic I ever got of them was when they were still bagged up. Nice work!

Cheers. I put a sinking pellet at the front of the tank and held my finger on the shutter button.....I'm not sure how many images I took, maybe 30-40, and I got 3 that were ok'ish :) They are really active fish!! :lol:

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