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Fin Erosion on Angels


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My young Altums and mum & dad have fin erosion. There is no sign of an infection but the fins keep getting shorter. I read where low protein in certain fish can be a cause also poor water quality and over crowding .... would have to say the later!

I have stuck mum & dad in a new tank but it still slowly seems to be worsening. What's the best treatment?

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It sounds like fin rot which is a bacterial infection and needs to be treated with a bacteriacide. I would use furan 2 but use it as per the instructions. Angels do best with lots of water changes. It is hard to see a bacterial infection considering that you could fit one million bacteria on a pin head. What you usually see with fin rot is the opportunistic infection of fungus which usually follows (apart from the missing fins which you have spotted)

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The dreaded "F" word! (Furan) :o

I've have seen fin rot before and is usually very obvious which would be the secondary infection you mention. My water quality is good with weekly changes which may be why the fungal infection has not reared its ugly head yet. I have some flucloxacillin which worked well to fight Dropsy and may give that ago but I'm dreading the after effects and I'll set up and cycle a new tank. Cheers for that.

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