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Gourami - bubble eyes!


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I have a pair of dwarf red honey gourami and something weird has happened with their eyes...

looking at them on certain angles, their eyes look very milky..and if you look at them front on it seems there is a clear half bubble over each eye!!

Appart from that, they seem to be acting normal and eating well... tank stats are all good..they are in a 130L tank with one GBA and two flame tetras (were 7 but lost 5 about a month ago)

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Yeah i bought them from my local fish dealer...when i got them they wernt like this..

My flame tretras started getting finrot (Gouramis have never shown any sign of it however) so i treated them with Melafix, 14ml a day for two weeks with a water change after 10 days...

Looked like they were getting better but then one by one they went belly up :( Anyway its been about a month scince that happened...

And yes, now the gourami have bubble eyes! Ive seen blue jack dempsys in shops with similar looking eyes...

Ill try doing a bit more reading to find out, just thought i would put it up here incase someone has similar experience or knowledge


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