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Algae-eater/Clean-up crew that won't eat eggs?


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Hi all,

I'm just about to set up what is going to be my clown killifish tank, and I'm a bit lost as to what type of algae-eater/clean-up crew type fish I should get to keep the rest of the tank in order.

I'm hoping the killi's will breed in this tank and I plan on disturbing the eggs as little as possible; if they hatch, they hatch, if they don't, they don't, and I'd like a fish of some sort to help me get rid of food scraps and (hopefully) algae! I don't want said fish, however, to eat the eggs! :(

I was hoping to catch some freshwater shrimp and use them, (I've seen they're good at 'looking after' killi eggs), but my friend and I turned out to be hopeless shrimp-catchers and I cannot find any FS locally.

Now I'm thinking perhaps a couple of kuhli's will do the job. I'm rather partial to them, I have 5 in my community tank and they are the most interesting little guys/girls! But I know they won't eat algae and am unsure whether they will eat the eggs or not.

I've got a small-ish Pleco I could put in (<8cm), but it'd dwarf my killi's and I'm almost positive it will eat the eggs as well, it already enjoys the meat pellets I put in, for my kuhli's! :evil: (Greedy-guts!)

When I asked at Wet Pets, one of my LPS', they recommended an otto - but are they ok by themselves? I don't really want a school of them.

Any and all recommendations are welcome :)

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You could also do snails if you were keen?

I just got a blue mystery snail and he's a neat little guy. Funny watching him suck around the place ever so slowly (,,#゚Д゚)

They probably won't do as good a vacuum when compared to fish but I think they'd be less likely to eat eggs too.

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