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A big thank you to Aquanut (Tim)


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This week i brought some killies from Tim and he put them on a courier on Tuesday night and was told that they would arrive the next morning.

On Wednesday afternoon i rang Tim and said that hadnt received them yet. Tim traced them and found out they were in Whakatane , i was gutted that i was going to get a box of dead fishies , and Tim wasnt overly confident of any survivors either.

On Thursday morning the courier turned up and i opened the box and found 13 pairs of beady eyes looking up at me.

By the time the killies had got home to my tanks they had been in the bags and polybox for 48 hours so credit :hail: to Tim for selling strong healthy fish and doing a good packing job.

No credit to the courier company :evil: , i would like to shame them but i would probably get my hand smacked.

So Tim :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:

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