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Not enough Tanks,Will Ice cream containers do?


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probably not,they need fairly clean water conditions as a rule and also space is always an issue.You might raise one or two but I would forsee major problems keeping them fed,changing water and stopping them from eating one another.

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You would be better off with a large cheap plastic container from the wharehouse or a plastic container shop. It only has to hold water. I started breeding fish many years ago and could only afford damaged baths from the auctions at $5 each. 5 baths hold a lot of water and a lot of fish.\ and cost $25 then

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You would be better off with a large cheap plastic container from the wharehouse or a plastic container shop. It only has to hold water. I started breeding fish many years ago and could only afford damaged baths from the auctions at $5 each. 5 baths hold a lot of water and a lot of fish.\ and cost $25 then

More space as well ! :wink:

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