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In auckland, can i put my roughly 2 YO beardie outside?


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can i put my beardie outside? to see the winter and summer through?

its currently in the garage, during summer i put a warming bulb

but during the cooler months, i turn it off to give it a more natural seasonal change

can i put this creature outside? i just purchased an awesome flexarium (im curently in south africa) and its half price here to what the cheapest is in nz, i bought an enclosure 6 foot x 76 x 76, its huge! i wanna put it outside so the animal can get natural sunlight and stuff.

summer i know it will be ok

but winter? do you think i should risk it? does anyone here put their bearded outside int he cold?

also, what sort of hiding place and stuff i put in it so it can keep itself warmish during cold nights?

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I guess you could make a dry insulated house for it to brumate in, and have a heat lamp running to keep the temp up?

been there, but the general humidity of the air- today is a good example- is too much of a worry in terms of respiratory disease. best to keep outdoors then bring in and brumate inside. Cost of power is still nil, as they are not heated whilst brumating.

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