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Green Severums


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Hey, a while ago i brought a tank off TM

and it came with 5 convicts

when i got there i found the tank had 3 baby green severums

and there was 7 convicts

the cons had major white spot!!! :o

but the sev's suprisingly had nothing :D

all but 3 con's died and they are 3 female but the fins are badly damaged

they have been like this for 6 months now

will the fins ever grow back??

back to what i was going to say.

i was hoping it would be 2 female sev's and 1 male but they had to all be boys

there is 1 large (none fully grown yet) at 12-13cm

then medium 10-11cm

then small 6-7cm

will all 3 males be fine together??

they are fine together now and have always been

will i have to buy a bigger tank?? they grow to about 25-30cm long each

my tanks ATM is 193L (keeps breaking tables so its on a rimu table as its a strong wood)

will they still be fine with their tank mates??

(3 angels, 1 glowlight, 1 silvershark, 1 albino rainbow shark, 1 pakastan loach, and a huge plec, oh and a female bristlenose and 2 sterbai corydora)


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will all 3 males be fine together??

Hmm, I'll check my crystal ball... :lol:

You can never tell with cichlids, might work or it might not. One day one of them might have a change of heart about sharing his tank and suddenly it doesn't work any more. A larger tank will help anyway.

Keep the water warm and clean and add a little salt and the convicts fins should grow back, they're tough as nails. Good to hear they are all females too!!

How big is 193L? I think you'd want at least 4'x18"x18" to house a severum for life.

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Hey, i think its 50 high x 91 long x 40-45 wide ( cm )

but i can measure it up when i find the tape measure!!

and howmuch salt?? and should i do it daily??

and yea there used to be 2 males and 5 females i think as at one stage after i was treating them some eggs had been layed and then babys in about a few days, but they only lasted 2weeks as they got through the seperation part and the other con's ate them

(they knew where they came out and waited there :lol: )


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Hi there, if your glowlight is a glowlight tetra, it might get swallowed - one of my severums likes to hide behind plants and jump out and grab tetras...

Good luck with keeping them together, and do consider a bigger tank for your severums when they grow up.


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Hey, yea me glowlight is a tetra. its 3-4cm long and abit over weight as its very wide.

and i cant have plants with mine as i had $40 worth of them and the severums went in the tank for a week while their tank was getting cleaned and every single plant was gone!!!

i have plastic plants now and im going to buy more as i want the plecs to haev places to hide.

and what size tank do you think for 3 adult severums??


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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers for that will see if im aloud to get another tank lol

i have 7 tanks already.

does anyone know where i can get some live brineshrimp??

i have 2 vials here and they both arnt hatchng!!

i started trying o hatch them 2weeks befor i got my axie eggs and i now have them hatchng (axie eggs not brineshrimp)

went down to petshop and got liquifry 1 as they said someone came in to get some the other day aswell but they dont sell them so the lady got the liquafry 1 for egg laying fish.

hope they atempt at eating it as i know they only eat live food when young


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