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My angel just spawned


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I saw her behaving oddly and she had a thing poking out of her nether regions (ok so I don't have all the terms down pat yet!) and then she laid two eggs on a leaf. This is in a community tank and it was just luck I saw her so I have taken the leaf with the two eggs and put it in an isolation net thingie. Now what? Was I meant to do that or not?

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She should have laid way more eggs, like in the hundreds, but you may have pulled the eggs early.

If the male wasn't passing closely over them, they probably won't be fertilized, so they won't develop.

The parents should naturally be hovering over them fanning them with fins to get water, and therefore oxygen, to them. It may pay to place a airstone in the net with them, with the bubbles going past about an inch away. This is so the water circulation is happening.

There is much more information to add but I'm sure someone else will help :wink:



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