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I remember, a long time ago, that the label on the box of this fertyiliser said that it was good for aquaria.

Does anyone have experience...

Any thoughts???

I know it is a terrestrial fert., but with the manufacturers saying it was ofk. then??? :-?

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As far as I know this may very well work, but who knows of the affects on the tank afterwards (let alone fish), one being UREA and 2 being AMMONIA, causing a huge algae growth and pollution overload.

I wouldnt mess with it - but thats because I dont have much experience with it, however some other people may say otherwise and have more positive experiences. GL! :)

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I'd be careful. They might have meant growing plants emersed (half out of the water) or submersed but without fish. Like Starfish says, watch out for urea and ammonia. The fish secrete enough urea and ammonia for the tank as it is

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This is the text of the reply to an email I sent to the makers of Phostrogen,

Thank you for your question. I am unaware that Phostrogen was advertised for aquarium use. This must have been many years ago. Phostrogen is manufactured in the UK and we are the distributors for Australia and in New Zealand through Tui. Tui may have some information on the subject. You can contact them at [email protected]

I can tell you that the original formula contained nitrogen in the form of nitrate only. This may have allowed it to be used in aquariums. However several years ago, in the face of severe competition from other fertilisers in the UK the Phostrogen formula was changed to include both urea and ammonium nitrogen as well as nitrate.



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