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what silicon is ok?


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Have made a closed loop system for my tank, for the uptake pipe, I've used some silicon to hold the uptake to the pipe. Question is, is any type of silicon ok in the tank? Or will it effect the water? If only certain types of silicon, what type?!

ooops, probably should have posted in technical section :)

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Just make sure that it is "acidic cure", and color to suit your needs.DON'T get the stuff with anti fungi in it or alkaline cure.

The smell of it will let you know the correct one .

It smells like strong vinegar, and is DANGEROUS to your lungs in enclosed areas.

DO NOT breathe the fumes.

It wont give you a hit.


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ok to be on the safe side just ask to see the material safety data sheet it will give you all the info that you will need...

...and i would have to agree with alan" it dont give you a hit" but will give you a head ache

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About the hi, I never got one when hit by a dose of the fumes,

so yes, I suppose you could say I've a little experiance.

As for the danger, THAT is something I know about.

The acidic fumes, destroys the plura (spp) of the lungs, and you drown in your own juices.

A friend of mine had to go to Australia's dry north, to get away from the 90% plus atmosphere of Rotorua, to be able to live a little longer.

He use to own the Kurau Park Aquarium, and made all his own tanks,

but finally paid for it, with his life.



Work in a draught inside, or better still outside.


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What a load of sticky stuff :D

Just go to any DIY place and get Selleys Window and Glass silicon sealer. If you are really stuck it is the one with the aquarium on the back.

Works great never killed any fish or corals, never bothered sniffing it so I cannot give a first hand account on any head rush you may get if you want to try it :wink:

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I use Silaflex RTV Professional Range for Glass and Ceramics.

Made countless tanks with my head stuck in there for hours, for weeks at a time.. never a prob.

The warnings say "Use in a ventilated area".. but NEVER "This is life threatening" :)

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i dont think any silicones ive seen have the warning "this is life threatening" but i have seen "may be harmful to your health" and i too have got the punch from silicone b4 but no headache just made my troat sore and clench up to stop me from taking a huge breath BTW alan i was only stiring b4 when i said is that from experience

i know the risks from silicones and the like as i used to work with them every day for a year as a labourer

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It apears to me that some are taking a sightly frivolous view of what I said.

I DIDNT say that it had that warning on the tube.

If they did, their sales obviously would drop.

I do think that a warning that a respiratory mask should be worn could be displayed.

I also knew the guy I referred to quite well.

He had made tanks for years, and his health deteriorated to the point, where he had to leave for drier climes to prolong his life.

I mentioned about the fumes as a warning, why pollute your body, with a damaging substance, when with a bit of knowledge, and care, it can be minimised.

When ever you feel that burning sensation, you've just done some damage.

Give it time, and you'll be like that guy.

By the way,

I also gave up smoking YEARS ago, BUT, that's another forum.

15 years after I gave up, a scan showed the damage that had been done over the years and had not cured itself.

Just a friendly observation guys.

Take care


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