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Golden Blue eyed pleco


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World of water is the place and cant remember price, there are a couple of ways to ID them(blue eyed plecos) so I have discovered, shape of teeth and a flap of skin in mouth.

From planet catfish

The Genus Panaque is identified by the teeth, which are spoon-shaped. This means that the teeth are noticeably wider at the tip than at the base. Other loricariidae have teeth that are similar width all the way from one end to the other.

A second distinguishing feature is the lack of a buccal papilla, which is a "flap of skin" on the inside of the mouth.

these guys grow to 300mm too

id be interested if Blue or another catfishy knows anything about a golden variety

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It would be VERY VERY VERY unlikly (did I mention VERY?) that it would be a golden Blue eyed Panaque. As far as I am awear 1)they have never been spawnd in an aquarium, so small ones are not avalible 2) there is not a golden form 3) the area that they come from in the wild is controlled by "gurrilla" so, at this time, no importing is done from there, 4) They sell for many hundred $USD for normal ones so for lil old NZ to get a batch of golden ones would be near on impossible.

When I was working at Jansens I ordered the so called "golden blue eye's" in and they were always just the common gba's. From memory they came from the supplier called Aquascope.

Cheers, Jake.

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