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Cory eggs again - Q's


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Ok, after moving a couple of my bronzes into a spare tank i have set up and waiting for my Killies :D .... they spawned last night. I have only ever managed to grab one lot of eggs from the community tank as the greedy fish would eat them as soon as mum laid them down. And only 1 successfully lived... until i sent him to his death in a killie mouth. Any hu.. Not seeing eggs develop for a while, i'm curious as to the white part in the shell. Is this the embryo developing? I have scrapped approx 40 into a floating container but there is another large lot on a plastic leaf and 2 smaller lots on the tank wall but low down. All eggs look the same. (outer clear shell with white inner) They dont look fungused...yet. I've added some meth blue to the container but have decided to leave the other eggs alone. After lots of net searching i'm not going to feed them egg yolk, as i did last time. But i will feed bbs and powdered flake 2-3 times a day and clean the container everyday. Anything else i should do or not do? Ive read the less you interfere the better. Thanks.

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Have found a very old thread that was of use... (2003) Saying the eggs that are clear/ tan coloured are fertile and the eggs that have a white arc in them, (that look like there's something in there) Aren't fertile. I have cleaned out the 1st lot i collected as they were growing fuz, Luckily for me they laid some more overnight. All be it 1/2 on the heater but the other half on the glass i was able to collect. Fingers crossed. :wink:

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