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New Tank: Needs Help on Equiptment Brands Etc.


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Ah Thanx for the help. i'll see what i can do on saturday. i should be able to get a deal and upgrade some of the plants and swap the plastic plants for real, etc.

thanx for the advice i'll look at prices, i'll try to avoid the jager heaters.

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No JL, we are not a state of USA,

our $ is at the moment about .60c NZ to $1.00c US.

Also NZ is NOT the breakwater to Sydney harbour,

we have lotsa sheep as any ozzie will gleefully tell you.

But we can say six and fish and chips too.


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Yeah i found out that on XE.com the NZD is on the main converter, i jus assumed it mite be the USD, or close to it, so i used their quick converter thing, which only had the USD. i got is sorted now though. :D

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i dont know about pomey land but that sounds a bit expencive to me.

i have a 915L x 455W x470H tank;cabnet / hood (black and rimu)

fluvel 3;elite802;jager 300w;stones& some plants; a coupel of plattys &neons if you like;all for $350.00nzd. brand new double light to match for $100.00nzd or $400.00nzd for the lot. good looking tank,breading tank at the moment,so combernation works.

sorry about the spellling

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The prices in england are a bit steep i think but the tank, filter, heater, double light and two lights, substrate(i think) and some plastic plants for £115 is ot too bad, i think it converts to bout $345 NZD though which probably sounds pretty expensive.

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