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Filter question?


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Is there any way to tell if the filter is doing, oh heck, filtering the way it should?

I have an aqua-tech for 30-60 gallon tanks, and a whisper for 30-60 gallon tank.

The whisper is on my barb/tetra tank which I recently moved downstairs in my apartment so naturally noticing more of what is going on now. There is quite a bit of water movement from the aqua but not as much from the whisper...would they not be similar do you think?

I don't know how old the whisper is I bought it second hand with the tank and to be honest if I did ask the people how long they had it I don't remember :oops:


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Thanks nemines!

I am going to keep on eye on it just in case. Going to ad an airstone or bubble wall too.

If it wasn't filtering properly, I would be having lots of problems don't you think...well at the very least unclear water???


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