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small American Dat pushing food not biting... strange


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i have a small american tiger dat

used to hvae a massive appetite

i moved it to a planted tank only seen it eat once, but never saw it swallow the food, it hid with the food.

its bellly looks empty ish

when i put its normal food, it goes to it, then it pushes it with its mouth. as if trying to bite and suck the food in, but not really able to

... or not wanting to

just strange

its like nudging the piece of shrimp forward

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well, the big ones are novelty

they are eating bloody shrimp now

the wide bar ist still picky as hell

but he is gonna start eating soon

he started going for food nd colouration is coming out

so two or three days he will start eating

i just moved my american tiger away from the community tank to the old tank it was in

you would not believ eit

with in 5 minutes of going in, it become smore active and eats!!!

what the f*ck!

it must not like so many fish in the tank!

its really strange

its never fun catching a dat in plantedand wooded tank!

i will never do that again

if you get sick of your dat

ill consider buying most ofthem and putting them in a dat tank

i wanna make a dedicated small dat tank:D

jsut dats:D

ok maybe anyways

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