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My gouramis and my siamese?


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Thanks for the help guys.

I have another stupid question :)

I have an opaline gouramis and a male siamese fighter in my tank. I have them separated by a partition. The partitiion has a small enough gap to allow the smaller, non aggressive fish to pass into the siamese's side of the tank.

However, the siamese managed to escape(easily mendable) onto the side containing the gouramis. The gouramis shows a lot of interest in him, occasionally flicking his "feelers" at him, and he seems to snap a the water behind the siamese who then swims off. However, he doesn't seem to have actually bitten him.

Do you think it is worth seeing if these to can cohabit without the partition, or do you think the gouramis behaviour is a precursor to some serious chewing?


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I agree. I have had golden and blue gouramis with siamese fighters before and no aggression, I find the gouramis tend to only be aggressive with each other if at all. I think checking them out with the feelers is just curiousity too. I would put them all in together and see how you go anyway, you will know if your siamese fighter starts to get nipped and then can separate them again if you have to.

The only fish I had probs with siamese fighters with is angels as they tend to nip the fins.

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