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What other fish could I add?


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Hi, I am new to this forum and cichlids. I was hoping someone could give me some advice on what else I could add to my tank, cichlids or other. We have 2 lionheads, 2 electric yellow, 2 giraffe, 2 marble peacock, 2 clown loach and 2 bristle nose all babies. We would also like to add some sort of shark if that is going to work with what we have got. Thanks for any advice.

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The tank is a Jebo R3100 1m long 200L. It has a built in filter that does 900 litres per hr. We are going to add an Aqua One 1200 when needed. I dont no the sexes of the fish as they are only about 2-3cm and was told it is too hard to sex them at this stage. Thanks.

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Sounds good :) your giraffes may outgrow that tank and if you end up with 2 males of all of those species ou may have fights but im sure they will have enough room to hide..

As for what else to add, maybe demasoni, more male peacocks or dragonsbloods and one other species that has brown females, these fish will all cross breed so no babies should be sold from your tank, but because all the females are different colours so it will enable you to separate them later on to breed them in their own tank. You could also add some more of the fish you already have, maybe more yellows as they always look good in groups. They will be impossible to sex at those sizes.

Good to see you've visited Alex he has some awesome fish and breeds them right unlike others you will see around. His huge display is awesome!

Good luck glad to see another hooked by the african bug :)

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Thanks for that. I have found demasoni and what I have read they sound like they might not be for the beginner cichlid keeper. I cant find the dragonsbloods in a search. It sounds like it might be a red colour which would be great for us. I had already thought of gettin more yellows, if I add some blue peaccks and could get some red somthing that would be great. Nice and colourful.

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