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Treatment for white spot in tank with fry and BN's - HELP!


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Hi all,

Despite swearing never to introduce fish without quarantine, I bought some BN's a week ago. On top of that we had a 5 hour power outage a few days later which resulted in a bit of filter die off and a small ammonia spike. We've also had a few colder than average nights, nothing that would worry them on a normal basis but on top of everything probably didn't help (heater wasn't on but I turned it one when the tank was risking dipping below 21) End result STRESS = outcome for the fish WHITE SPOT!

I have some wonder cure but also know about turning temp up to 30 and adding aeration to try to break the life cycle.

Question is will what will the fry handle best? They're about a month old (leopardfish). How about the young BN's? (I've never has any catfish before and don't know if they're sensitive to meds or high temps)

I don't have a spare tank to treat them separately and its been too cold here to be successful without a heater lately so treating them in a plastic bin as I've done in the past doesn't seem a good option.

What do you recommend??

Will start by turning the temp up by a degree or 2 before bed I guess, it's at 22 now which suits my group fine (wcmm, jordanellas, leopardfish and the new BNs). but will be a start towards getting to 30 if that's what you guys recommend.

Hope to hear from you soon!!!!

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I have not kept Jordanella so am guessing here a bit. Wunder tonic contains a raft of ingredients including malachite green and killies are sensitive to that. It is the quinine in there that will be most effective against white spot but that is no use if they are dead from Malachite. Others who have more knowledge of these fish could advise better. Have sent you a PM.

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