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Help Breeding Bronze Cories


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Hi guys,

In another post I said that I had just brought 2 bronze cories. The other day I went and got another 3 of them and now I have what I think is 2 males and 3 females. They are about 3-4cm long. My question is how do I get them to spawn? What will help them spawn? Is it possible to breed them or are they to small? And any other info that will help me.

Any help or advice is appreciated

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I used to seperate males and females for a few weeks and feed the hell out of them to get them into good condition. Add them to a bare tank and do a 40% water change with cold water. They will normally spawn next day and remove them when they have. You can remove the eggs with a razor blade but I used to do better removing the parents

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  • 3 weeks later...

I used pretty much the same method as alanmin,but a bit more ruthless,fed them up well separately,put them into a fresh tank with no gravel,just a potted plant or two.cold water turned the heater on when I put them in,next morning as the temp comes up away they go ,better with 3 males to each female,works for peppereds as well.start them on brineshrimp,microworms small daphnia,they seem to do better on anything live rather than flake etc,I suppose thats true for most?They do eat the eggs although not straight away,make sure they have finished before you take the parents out,sometimes you get huge numbers,other times can be a bit sporadic?

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I used pretty much the same method as alanmin,but a bit more ruthless,fed them up well separately,put them into a fresh tank with no gravel,just a potted plant or two.cold water turned the heater on when I put them in,next morning as the temp comes up away they go ,better with 3 males to each female,works for peppereds as well.start them on brineshrimp,microworms small daphnia,they seem to do better on anything live rather than flake etc,I suppose thats true for most?They do eat the eggs although not straight away,make sure they have finished before you take the parents out,sometimes you get huge numbers,other times can be a bit sporadic?

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