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Hi there guys, have bought some cichilds for my tank (community tank) they seem happy enough, they are pale in colour alittle yellow on them one black spot and red on the ends of their fins cool little guys :)

what do they eat ?? what group are they?? the shop was not much help ....

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That description is exactly like my Bolivian Rams.

They are fine in a community tank, though males may have little spats occasionally but nothing serious. They aren't very competitive for food, at least my two aren't. I feed them the usual flake food, some of which they get. They love shrimp pellets, as do all cichlids. Also try spirulina disks occasionally to give them a change. There are foods around called Cichlid Pellets, floaters and sinkers are available. I tend not to bother - a lot of expence for no visible gain as all my cichlids are healthy and happy on normal food.

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